Probing Deeper On Everyday Problems

06/11/2018 , 2m, 53s

I’m in this constant quest improve the way I make decisions. But every day life it’s really difficult to find other people that are interested and probing and digging deep on decision-making.

What Is A Business Strategy?

05/21/2018 , 2m, 53s

I read this book by Richard Rumelt called Good Strategy Bad Strategy and it completely changed my ability to develop a strategy for our business.

The Endless Placement Opportunities Grocery Stores

12/18/2017 , 2m, 43s

Every time I walk into a grocery store kind of fascinated by all the signage and product placement that’s going on and the massive number of new products.

Shallow And Deep Work

10/11/2017 , 2m, 57s

A brief update.

Overwriting Memory On Accident

07/14/2017 , 2m, 50s

Changing my wife's password caused me to overwrite my memory

3 Days Of Fasting

07/09/2017 , 2m, 55s

I'm approximately 68 hours into a water fast and just kind of sharing what the first three days have been like.

Simplicity vs. Complexity: How Complexity Is Stored Knowledge

06/22/2017 , 2m, 56s

Stored knowledge is basically how you add things to a simple system over time, and the system is no longer simple.

38 Hours Without Calories

05/02/2017 , 2m, 57s

I'm done fast before but I've never not eaten for over a day.

How I Use Index Card Notes for Quick Reference

05/02/2017 , 2m, 58s

The tip I share is about setting goals as a range such as lose 1-3 lbs. each week.

Get Re-focused By Doing A Physical Task

04/01/2017 , 2m, 59s

I have found that getting up and doing a small task helps get me going. Especially when I'm stuck, bored, frustrated, or can't stay focused.

Being Adaptable With Productivity & Setting Your Top 3 Goals

03/23/2017 , 2m, 59s

I'm learning to be flexible with how I should frame my productivity system.


03/12/2017 , 2m, 57s

I've been fasting for the last 7 days, and it's really interesting how it changes your relationship to food.

Using Growth Models to Grow Our Business

03/05/2017 , 2m, 50s

Get Outlook for iOS

Running LA, NYC

09/06/2016 , 2m, 52s

A brief update.

What Should I Work On Next?

09/02/2016 , 2m, 55s

I've recently been learning a lot about probabilistic decision making. Now I have to figure out how to apply that in our business towards making decisions. How do I know what is the most important thing to work on next?

Getting Comfortable With Wasted Money When Delegation Fails

07/26/2016 , 2m, 55s

Sometimes you waste money trying to get shit done.

Trying A New Approach To Development

07/20/2016 , 2m, 50s

I'm finishing each step across three different purchase flows before preceding to the next step.

Jobs To Be Done vs. Customer Personas

07/04/2016 , 2m, 55s

Both approaches have value in certain contexts, not just in product development. Customer personas has more value in marketing and Jobs To Be Done has more value in product development, but both approaches are useful in both functions and beyond.

Here's the talk that inspired my recent thoughts.

Systemizing Our Personal And Business Life Like A Boss With Amazon Echo

06/29/2016 , 2m, 59s

How we systemize our life with Amazon Echo ordering.

How I Added A Customer Pre-Qualifying Survey

06/18/2016 , 2m, 56s

I've added a pre qualifying survey to our site to help our customers know which product is right for them. After we give them an answer we put a lead magnet in their path.

Shifting My Focus Towards Growth And Away From Tools

06/06/2016 , 2m, 54s

I've got better things to do than spend all day tinkering with webapps.

Mental Modeling - Part 3 Surveying

05/28/2016 , 2m, 58s

I talk about how I'm planning to survey new customers to increase activation.

Mental Modeling - Part 2

05/27/2016 , 2m, 56s

More details about how I'm using Mental Modeling to plan out customer activation and retention strategies from Meal Mentor.

Mental Modeling - Part 1

05/26/2016 , 2m, 59s

Mental Modeling was discussed in Smarter Faster Better by Charles Dugg

A mental model is an explanation of someone's thought process about how something works in the real world. It is a representation of the surrounding world, the relationships between its various parts and a person's intuitive perception about his or her own acts and their consequences. Mental models can help shape behaviour and set an approach to solving problems (akin to a personal algorithm) and doing tasks. from Wikipedia

Meal Mentors Simple SMS Bot

05/07/2016 , 2m, 57s

I've created a very simple SMS bot that allows our members to download their meal plans via text message.

Microconf Day 1 Morning Recap

04/04/2016 , 2m, 57s

Discussing Des's talk about feature bias. Real dog fooding is eating every day.

Launching A New Subscription Add-on To Meal Mentor

04/03/2016 , 2m, 45s

We feel like the best way to help our customers is to build a community that can support each other and not just rely on Lindsay to be there to help them.

Sampling Bias With Surveys

03/31/2016 , 2m, 57s

Make sure your survey is representive of your customer base.

Using Google Trends To Analyze Your Market

03/30/2016 , 2m, 55s

Check out Google Trends.

Is This The Most Important Task To Move My Business Forward?

03/29/2016 , 2m, 57s

Don't go too many hours or days without reflecting on whether what you are doing is important.

Is This The Most Important Task To Move My Business Forward?

03/29/2016 , 2m, 57s

Keep focused only on things that move important things forward.

Is This The Most Important Task To Move My Business Forward?

03/28/2016 , 2m, 57s

Keep asking yourself this question.

Focus On What Your Customers Say

03/25/2016 , 2m, 59s

Use google keyword analysis to figure out the language your customers actually use to solve their problems.

Success Is Not An Event!

03/25/2016 , 2m, 58s

Whether in your life or in business success is rarely a specific moment. 

Asking For Help More Often

03/22/2016 , 2m, 58s

For you are unsure about a problem you have ask someone for help. Even if they can't help you; maybe they know someone who can.

Sales Tax Is A Nightmare Of You're A Digital Business

03/21/2016 , 2m, 57s

If you sell bits, give away your physical products for free as a marketing and branding expense.

Status and Mindset

03/20/2016 , 2m, 54s

In this episode, I referenced Carol Dweck's book Mindset to talk about status and fixed vs growth mindsets.

Status: Earned vs. Purchased

03/18/2016 , 2m, 56s

This is a response to my friend Natala's status episode. I think related to brands there are at least two types of status: earned and purchased status.  I think for most brands online you want earned status. 

Donate Your Clicks To High Poverty Kids

03/18/2016 , 2m, 53s

Join us in supporting high poverty public school children at

Delegate in Your Personal Life First

03/17/2016 , 2m, 49s

Today, my wife and I have as many as 20 people helping us run our personal lives and business. But the easiest things to delegate are in our personal lives; not business.

Outsourcing a Project for DonorChoose

03/16/2016 , 2m, 50s

I used Upwork to go from idea to done in 3 hours.

Giving More Compliments

03/11/2016 , 1m, 28s

I know it hurts to give good compliments, but let's strengthen that muscle.

Being A Writer Makes You A Better Thinker

03/08/2016 , 2m, 58s

This episode is a follow to the You should read 5 Elements of Effective Thinking where I discuss how writer become better thinkers. Snickers reference included.

You should read 5 Elements Of Effective Thinking

03/07/2016 , 2m, 58s

Can you explain what you believe with facts? Or do struggle to find the words?

Here's the book:

Non-Threatening Habit Changes

03/07/2016 , 1m, 43s

Here a little tip on making small habit changes from James Clear

Charge More Stickers for #microconf

03/02/2016 , 2m, 57s

You can get one in person at #microconf. Otherwise you can get one mailed to you at cost.

Charge More 'coin' stickers -

Charge More badge stickers -

Automating receipt processing

02/25/2016 , 2m, 51s

I use a combination of Shoeboxed, Zapier, and Printopia to automate saving my receipts. If you just want to save receipts to a folder, then use Printopia's print to folder feature

How Crappy Yellow Legal Pads Saved My Note Taking Habit

02/21/2016 , 2m, 54s

With expensive Moleskine notebooks I never write anything in them, because it needed to be important. Yellow legal pads are cheap and disposable so I'll write anything in them. I take a lot more notes now.

Faster Data Analysis with Excel Pivot Tables

02/20/2016 , 2m, 56s

Scott explains how using Excel pivot tables makes it so much easier to get insights about your data. The TCV of our users with a grade of F is higher then people with a C grade. So there's opportunity there!

Allowing Customers to Self-Invite to Our Forums

02/19/2016 , 2m, 56s

Meal Mentor has seen about a 3% increase in forum member in about 2-3 weeks of being able to self-invite themselves to the forums.

Getting Deep Forums Activity Data from Discourse

02/17/2016 , 2m, 54s

I talk about the deep amount of user activity data that's available via discourse.

Using data to determine Customer Success

02/17/2016 , 2m, 52s

In this episode I explain how we are collecting more customer data and using statistical tools to determine customer success.

My System for Solving My "Entrepreneur" Identity Crisis

02/16/2016 , 2m, 56s

I used Strength Finder 2.0 to help me figure out what my skills are. What really stood out for me were the Achiever and Learner skills so I've set myself on a path towards learning Business Statistics. So far it's been crazy fun.

Here's the blog post I reference.


02/16/2016 , 1m, 11s

I'll be talking about starting a new business and growing current business Meal Mentor.

Follow me on twitter @citadelgrad