ctrl-x ctrl-l. So handy!
:earlier and :later
Which are worth knowing?
And why I don't care that much about them.
jellybeans, but meh.
Holy crap. Your mind is about to be blown.
Greplace.vim. Or unimpaired.vim and quick fingers.
No good answer :(. I need your help on this one. Do you have a good answer?
Jump to method definitions quickly. Worth knowing about!
Editing speed is a big deal.
Reclaim your real estate!
Good old Git.
Console for me, but both work.
Fuzzy finding, leader commands, and Rails.vim, my friends.
Zero percent.
I got you, dog.
Tough question, Internet.
Maybe just don't?
Silver searcher all day. Set that grepprg.
Holding 'j' is an antipattern.