Whole line completion

02/25/2016 , 41s

ctrl-x ctrl-l. So handy!

Time travel in your buffer

02/25/2016 , 39s

:earlier and :later

Buffers, Marks, and Registers

02/03/2016 , 1m, 47s

Which are worth knowing?

My Vim theme

02/03/2016 , 41s

And why I don't care that much about them.

Marks and Registers

02/03/2016 , 2m, 19s

Which are worth knowing?

Which theme do I use?

02/03/2016 , 29s

jellybeans, but meh.

What are leader commands?

02/03/2016 , 2m, 17s

Holy crap. Your mind is about to be blown.

How to find and replace across multiple files

02/03/2016 , 1m, 5s

Greplace.vim. Or unimpaired.vim and quick fingers.

Automatically extracting a method

02/03/2016 , 1m, 9s

No good answer :(. I need your help on this one. Do you have a good answer?

Using tags

02/03/2016 , 1m, 35s

Jump to method definitions quickly. Worth knowing about!

Sublime and other slow editors

02/02/2016 , 1m, 24s

Editing speed is a big deal.

Thoughts on NERDTree

02/02/2016 , 57s

Reclaim your real estate!

How best to sync Vim configs across machines?

02/02/2016 , 1m, 16s

Good old Git.

Console Vim or GUI Vim?

02/02/2016 , 49s

Console for me, but both work.

How should one navigate a Rails project?

02/02/2016 , 1m, 7s

Fuzzy finding, leader commands, and Rails.vim, my friends.

How much do I hate emacs?

02/02/2016 , 1m, 2s

Zero percent.

My Vim skills have plateaued! Now what?

02/02/2016 , 1m, 21s

I got you, dog.

What is your favorite Vim plugin or command?

02/02/2016 , 1m, 24s

Tough question, Internet.

Using Vim Without tmux?!

02/02/2016 , 51s

Maybe just don't?

Should people use Janus?

02/02/2016 , 31s


How to search all files in your project

02/02/2016 , 55s

Silver searcher all day. Set that grepprg.

How to scroll in Vim

02/02/2016 , 1m, 18s

Holding 'j' is an antipattern.